kim kornbacher
As a professional archaeologist, I have used photography for many years as a tool to record site structure and artifacts. Over the last several years, however, my photography has changed from a medium of documentation to a means of artistic and personal expression. During that time, I have shown my photographs in a number of locations on Salt Spring and in Washington State, and I enjoy sharing my work and seeing how or whether it impacts others. My equipment includes a medium format Pentax 6 x 7 (I also use a 35 mm Nikon 8008), assorted lenses, and a Bogen tripod. My pictures are digitally printed with a projected lifetime of over 70 years. All of the materials I use are acid-free, archival quality. I think of what I do with the camera as "seeing deeply," and through photography I hope to share this vision of the world with others, encouraging and inspiring the preservation of our fragile natural environment.

Contact information

email: kim kornbacher
HOME all images copyright © 2005 by artist